Wittario is changing how we view real estate. Reach potential buyers with your marketing messaging as part of a game. Make use of augmented reality to visualize the real estate on site, and much more...
Tired of painting, weeding, lawn mowing, shovelling snow and hosing?
Many are.
Imagine searching for an apartment – as so many others. Something simpler, yet fresh and modern.
There are many ongoing building projects and many of these are appartement buildings. Picture an initial viewing – before the shovel has made its first hole in the ground. You are instructed to download an app and head for what will become the building site. You choose the time that suits you – no real estate agent will be there to meet you.
With the app and an intuitive map, you are guided through the area, receiving useful information along the way. This is the playground, this is where the submerged recycling station will be located, this is a green zone with a water mirror, here you will find a walkway to public transportation and so on. If you turn to your right and point the phone towards the edge of the forest, you will see the apartments as they will be when constructed. You can even peak through the windows. Ooops, you just moved through the wall and inside and you get to see the floor plan of the ground floor apartments. You leave with a sense of “Wow!”
This is how we at Wittario want an initial viewing to be like. We have already delivered a first project to Sole Bolig at Vestby in Norway – but the potential is limitless with the Wittario platform using Augmented Reality and GPS.
We believe Augmented Reality will be a strong marketing supplement to the traditional tools such as viewings, showcases, video, brochures and animations. The Wittario platform is intended for use for public affairs and stakeholder contact during the regulatory phase, for sales processes and even for creating good customer content after the project is completed.