To get started with Wittario you will have to download the app, create an account (it's free) and then log in to enter one of the following game codes.
As an employee, how can you work efficiently in a home office environment? Keywords in this game are self-management, laws, rights, advantages, disadvantages and quantity.
Copy the game code below and play it in the app!
Hvordan kan du som ansatt jobbe effektivt på hjemmekontor? Nøkkelord i dette spillet er selvledelse, lover, rettigheter, fordeler, ulemper og mengde.
How do you manage and motivate employees from the home office? In this game you get questions on how to implement good remote leadership, which is increasingly important in todays work environment.
Copy the game code below and play it in the app!
Slik gjennomfører du god fjernledelse.
I spillet får du testet både distansebasert spill med vanlige spørsmål og med AR.
Kopier spillkoden og lim den inn i appen!
In this game you get questions on how to conduct a "walk-and-talk" employee talk at the home office. The questions are great for teaching employees on how to have a varied and effective meeting culture. Opens up for a good conversation!
Copy the game code below and play it in the app!
In just a few minutes I will take you trough the Wittario game and show you the basics and how to get started.